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Woods under threat near Nethybridge in winter

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Talk 'Strathspey a Special Place for Invertebrates' Nethybridge Church Hall

7.45pm Tuesday 29th January 2008

BSCG is affiliated to Buglife, which is the only organisation in Europe devoted to the conservation of all invertebrates. Craig works for Buglife in Scotland and is playing a key role in the current initiative for the conservation of Scottish invertebrates that BSCG supports and would like to see win more support. We are particularly pleased that Craig is able to give us what promises to be a fascinating and richly illustrated and informative talk. He will explain why Strathspey is one of the most important areas in Scotland for “the small creatures that run the world” and why some fascinating invertebrates like the pine hoverfly are on the Scottish Biodiversity List and are now being helped by conservation action.

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